because I said so

telling it like I think it is: sunili’s blog

Posts Tagged ‘gluten free


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SO a couple of weeks ago I had a bunch of blood-tests, some for routine check-ups, others for the fact I’m always tired and needed to have my iron levels checked blah-di-blah, but I also had this new fadangled test for coeliac disease.

I’ve been kinda busy (and so had the doctor’s office when I ran up to get my results) so I didn’t actually get a hold of them til today, after my highly enjoyable (NOT) weekend of floppy-gluten-free-dud-croissant-making.

As it turns out, I do NOT have coeliac disease, as previously thought following a blood-test from two years ago.

I may be slightly gluten-intolerant, which is apparently different, but this means that I am allowed to eat gluteny things occasionally as long as I don’t over-do it on the Big Macs and Domino’s and KFC in consecutive meals.

Which I also probably shouldn’t do since I have elevated triglycerides (slightly uh-oh since I’m a twentysomething, and all). That’s the only available option for me to cut my reading on those, because I can’t exactly lose any more weight or drink any less alcohol, can I? 😛

But yes, this is all rather le sigh considering the croissant escapade and the fact I have finally found a gluten-free muesli I like after nearly two years of experimenting with the whole eating-really-expensive-shredded-cardboard thing AND have become addicted to Tiger Tiger‘s delectable non-glutenous brownies.

But I suppose those are all good things.

And it means I can enjoy $9.95 pizza or pasta at The Moon before The Thrills @ Amps tonight.


Written by Sunili

10 June 2008 at 1:27 pm

domestic ungodnessness

with 4 comments

I love croissants. The light, flakey buttery goodness of them make my knees weak. But with the whole gluten-intolerance palaver, I am no longer able to enjoy them because I know I will be ill later. After being inspired by Mrs Grendel’s results, I decided I should try to make a batch with the recipe she used, but using White Wings Gluten Free Flour, which I have found to be rather fabulous for all baking except bread.

In theory, it was a fun weekend project.

In practice, this weekend I have been chained to the kitchen bench, rolling and folding and chilling and waiting and rolling and folding some more. And that was last night. Because you have to leave the dough overnight before you can even START making the actual croissants — a process which takes another hour PLUS 2 HOURS RISING TIME before you can even START BAKING.

This better be fricking worth it.

Tell ya what. As much as I try, I am totally NOT a domestic goddess. I made cupcakes for the Judge’s birthday on Wednesday. Did that Tuesday night after staying at work til like 7, and while the cakes themselves were fine (probably because I used packet cake mix!) the icing was a niiiiiiiightmare. Forgot to take the butter out of the fridge before work so it could soften, blah blah blah.

Working women do not have the time to bake. I don’t even ficking have kids to deal with. How the HECK do they do it????????


Hrm. They didn’t rise and go all puffy and soft and lovely like Mrs Grendel’s did; I blame the gluten-free flour. Just as when you make gluten-free bread, they were heavy, almost like shortcrust pastry or something. Might make a quiche base with the other half of the dough?

I have learned something though (other than “I will just have to normal, gluten-filled croissants and be sick but hey, it’ll be worth it”). Gladbake is NOT the ultimate be-all-end-all of baking that I thought it was. I tried rolling the dough while it was sandwhiched between two sheets to avoid getting Mrs G’s (M’s mum, not Mrs Grendel) benchtop all buttery, but I just ended up losings hard-folded layers of pastry as a tried to peel it off. Flour on the rolling pin is much more effect. Old school = best. Who’d’ve thunk it?

Written by Sunili

8 June 2008 at 11:33 am


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excited to get to use the awesome goodness that is wordpress to write my blog with. Blogger is boring and useless.


Possession: A Romance by A S Byatt. It has been a while since I read “literature” and this is rich with book-geek goodness. 


five games of Scrabulous on le Facebook.


about going home to do some yoga. But that means I also have to cook dinner.


Orgran gluten-free tomato soup. Ok, drinking.


for Rudd & Swanny’s first budget!


all those lost souls from Burma and s.e. China to be well and happy in the next part of their journey.

Written by Sunili

13 May 2008 at 5:45 pm

Posted in blogging, currently

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