because I said so

telling it like I think it is: sunili’s blog

Posts Tagged ‘tumblr


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The hundredth post for this blog seems like the perfect spot for me to announce that I am going take a little break from here for a while.

Work’s really busy and I have a few other things happening that I want to finish off.

This blog was always meant to be a [semi] “serious” blog where I could ponder matters of import re politics and social justice and world issues and all that kinda thing, but posting about all those sorts of issues takes lots of time and effort. I like to at least try to get facts right for posts about that. But alas the time and effort is a little scarce right now, even if there’re heaps of things to be blogged about.

Massive apologies to Retarius in particular, who told me to keep the blog up just days ago… it’s just that since my stats seem to plummet when I post about that kind of stuff anyway, I am assuming leaving things unattended is not going to bother too many people!


Never fear, fair readers of this blog (who I can count on one hand, hehe)!

I am not leaving the interwebs. Because it is the home of my true soul and I would never actually exile myself like that. It would be horrible and may ’cause yukky withdrawal symptoms et cetera.

People who have been following me on Twitter may know that I’ve been posting some bits and bobs over on a “tumblelog” at (and more observant readers may have noticed the feed of links in the sidebar over there).

Tumblelogs are awesome because they’re really low maintenance. I have another one at which was really like an on-line scrapbook of sorts, where I posted funny pics and cool videos, but I decided to start up the other one for adding random comments about the things I post if I felt the need to. I don’t know why I didn’t just start the posts random comments on the first one instead of setting up a whole other one, but hey, I’m ODD ike that sometimes. And tumblrs are dead easy to set up so that didn’t help.

So yeah. I will no doubt be posting to both more often than not, as I am an awesome procrastinator, so feel free to check them out whenever:

  • This one is for the cool stuff (I lay claim to nothing but collecting it)
  • This one is for some cool stuff, some commentary, and mostly random ramblings

That’s all.

See youse all around!!!!!!!

Written by Sunili

17 August 2008 at 7:31 pm

Posted in blogging

Tagged with

why I need Flock like a hole in the head

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So the other day I tumblred about Flock, this fancy-schmancy Firefox-based browser which makes Web 2.0ing even awesomer.

Sounds, sweet, right?

I remembered I needed to (yesh, needed to) (yes, I meant, ‘yesh’ — isn’t it a great word? I heart it) check this Flock thing out when I was reading about Steven Colbert’s fabulous five-word Webbys acceptance speech and they mentioned Flock’s, too:

No sh**, we beat Facebook?

How can you not love that?

I downloaded it last night and had a play around. I added my Fb profile, my Twitter account, my Digg account, my Flickr profile… The thought of having all those babies linked up and rightthere seemed like the best. Thing. Ever. Add Gmail, add my RSS feeds, then flick and swish and I’m Flocked!



The more I worked on setting it up, the less interested I got. Maybe it was being all slow and stuff because I was using my mobem (mobile as modem, geddit? I’m awesome. Someone’s probably already said it, whatever, I can’t be arsed googling it), but Gmail would not load (still won’t, btw) and the thought of going through to add my Google Reader feeds, which have been neglected for ages and are all spiderwebbing all over the shop, highly bored me.

Guess what? I don’t think I am as addicted to Web 2.0 as I thought.

Sure, I try to post here as often as possible, but that’s mainly ’cause I like writing stuff, I check my Fb regularly, but that’s ’cause I fricking love Facebook, but aside from checking my Reader occasionally and scanning Twitter and Gmail via iGoogle throughout the day, plus a ThisNext update once a week or so… that’s about it.

Is that a lot? Probably. And in any event… I do not have time for much else.

I am so over Plurk, cause it takes way too much time to interact with people (two of whom I know, and have also not posted since they signed up) and you know what? Eff Karma, I don’t care if it goes down if you don’t plurk, I don’t have time for that crap, I’m way to freaking busy in the real world.

And the thought of being online with Fb/Flicker/Twitter/Digg/whatever blaring me in the face at every moment? Blergk.

I’m trying to streamline my life and sure, I’m not going to be a Zen Habits master any time soon, but whatevs. I’ve started doing my own version of PTO’s Inbox Heaven, I’m happy with Facebook to keep in touch with my friends, Twitter to follow cool interweb people I admire, my Tumblr to add fun pics and links and schtuff to if I happen to have the time to find them, and that’s enough for me, I reckon.

That is, of course, until the next shiny new thing comes along…

Stay tuned, chickens.


I hereby assert my rights to intellectual property ownership of the term mobem, i.e. a mobile phone being used as a modem, subject to the following conditions — I allow people to copy and distribute and use the term provided they give me credit, don’t change it and don’t make any money out of it. Thanks Grendel 😉

Creative Commons License
mobem” by Sunili Govinnage is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 2.5 Australia License. Based on a work at


Update to update:

Damn, apparently I can’t CC a word. This is what happens when I choose to to hippy law units (eg Indigenous Law) instead of commercially ones (ie Intellectual Property). Does anyone know how to apply for a trademark? 😛

Written by Sunili

18 June 2008 at 7:20 am

Posted in blogging, internet, law

Tagged with , , , , , ,


with one comment

My online world is all aflutter at the moment … I’m twittering, I’m tumbrling, and of course, facebooking … then today I started plurking!  I know, I know, I have an addictive personality and I am totally Web 2.0verloading.

But, thanks to a link over at Sandie Law‘s geeked off!, I have found what could possibly be the bestest, greatest online social networking site yet.

It combines my three favourite things in the world: writing, messing around online, and (drumroll) shopping!!!

It’s perfect for me. Utterly perfect.


Introducing (drumroll again) ThisNext.

It’s a site where you can:

  • Explore great product recomendations
  • Get personalised shopping suggestions
  • Rave about products you like

Their tagline?

Your product pluse impluse … because all income is disposable.


I can also make a wishlist which collects all the items I am lusting after from all over the web.  Which could be handy for, say, my birthday coming up in a couple of months! *nudgenudgewinkwink*

OK, it’s in August. I’m probably getting a little too excited.

I know I’m trying to save money and and not be too consumerist and stuff, but hey, there’s link to eco shopping and stuff.

Oh, so also, I have decided that for my recommendations, I’m going to rate things out of 5 xo’s. Because that is suitably appropos since they have a link to Gossip Girl fashion from the main menu.

Anyway. I hope all you gals reading this via Facebook sign up and add me as a friend, so we can be all gaggly and silly together. My profile is here.

Mwah 😉

Written by Sunili

5 June 2008 at 5:54 pm