because I said so

telling it like I think it is: sunili’s blog

Posts Tagged ‘pop psychology

analysing facebook

with 2 comments

So, as we all know, is the almighty and undeniable source of accurate and useful news report. As we also know, I like irony. But I am still dumb enough to read it every day (and check it several times a day, shame shame shame) because while ABC is great (seriously), it’s kinda dry and I need some amusement in my daily internet intake with which I can remind myself that at least I am not as ridiculous as heaps of other people.

Anyway, head image this morning:


Unfortunately, there is no more juicy goss on that Spitzer hooker, that swimming chick, that horrible-skinned guy with the bad sunglasses, or that pudgy hitman fellow.

Damn. I was hoping I would be reminded of their names again, cause their fifteen minutes seems like yeeeeeears ago and I have no idea who they are now.

The story essentially gives a boring, extroverted psychologist air-time to say that if you update your profile a lot you are a boring, extroverted Facebooker.

Social networking analyst Laurel Papworth says there are hidden messages behind the overt displays of self-promotion on websites like Facebook or MySpace.

Status updates can show if someone is an extrovert or fishing for sympathy, she claims.

“The extrovert, they are always going to be updating because the world revolves around them and one can assume that means the world needs to know how they are feeling from minute to minute,” Ms Papworth told

No frick, Ferlock.

There are no “hidden messages” in status updates. You say what you want to say, when you want to say it.

I update fairly regularly, but I don’t need an assumingly self-anointed “Social Networking Analyst” to tell me about my personality type. I, as well as everyone who knows me knows I like talking about myself 😀 

What about you? Are you enlightened and self-actualised now that you know about your social networking habits? What are your social networking habits?


Written by Sunili

23 May 2008 at 7:50 am

Posted in me stuff

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