because I said so

telling it like I think it is: sunili’s blog

coconut goodness

with 5 comments

I hope everyone knows and loves and regularly reads Stuff White People Like. Because, like it says if you hover over that thar link, it’s Teh Shizz. If you do, you can go back to Facebook or work or wheresoever from whence you came.


To the uninitiated, I hope you enjoy the following summary!

This site contains a series of posts which describes things that White People Like and explains how you may better acquaint yourselves with Them or prepare yourself for having to converse with Them.

The comments are gold when people get all testy and all “nuh-uh, I TOTALLY AM. NOT. LIKE. THAT.” But, the thing I personally digg most importantly is that it always makes me feel better knowing that someone out there, even if sarcastically, gets me.

For example:

A common characteristic amongst white people is the need to over analyze things, so they partake in activities such as therapy, writing a blog, or becoming an arts major. So its rather obvious why white people love lawyers so much as it is the one profession that has mastered the art of “over analyzing things”. Even though most disputes can be resolved through reason, unselfishness, and / or a google search, white people would prefer to take things to court or have something in writing. Lawyers are seen as the ultimate problem solvers and “the law” is seen as the be all, end all, of resolving all the world’s ills. [#56]

White people love rules. It explains why so they get upset when people cut in line, why they tip so religiously and why they become lawyers. But without a doubt, the rule system that white people love the most is grammar. It is in their blood not only to use perfect grammar but also to spend significant portions of time pointing out the errors of others.

When asking someone about their biggest annoyances in life, you might expect responses like “hunger,” “being poor,” or “getting shot.” If you ask a white person, the most common response will likely be “people who use ‘their’ when they mean ‘there.’ Maybe comma splices, I’m not sure but it’s definitely one of the two.” [#99]

It’s hilarious in so many ways, some of which I never realised but are oh so true, while others are plainly obvious.

As I said to Ray-Ray this morning while we were discussing the awesomeness of this site, I do lament over the fact that it’s such a shame I was born brown.

But as she wisely reminded me, it’s ok because I’m white on the inside.



Written by Sunili

21 May 2008 at 5:41 pm

Posted in humour, internet, me stuff

Tagged with

5 Responses

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  1. Hahaha, le gold. Also, I didn’t know your culture was brown on the outside, white on the inside. Is it the citizens of the vice versa brigade?

    Mmmm, vice versas.


    22 May 2008 at 8:32 pm

  2. I agree, it is an amazing site!

    Also, thanks for the kind comments and support! 🙂


    23 May 2008 at 8:56 am

  3. Hehe, nice post. Made me laugh lots!!

    Oh yeah, I’ve allowed you to view my blog…considering you asked. 😀

    P.S. Not all white people like bumper stickers. hehe.


    23 May 2008 at 10:15 am

  4. @ Ray-Ray – We could call it The Oreo Army?

    @ tbkent – Oh just telling it like it is 🙂

    @ cremedelacrema – Yeah I used to like bumper stickers, but I got bored of them very quickly.


    23 May 2008 at 2:21 pm

  5. OMG, that’s amazing! The book is going to sell like hotcakes looking at the blog stats!!
    Are you a Perth girl too?? 🙂


    29 May 2008 at 11:01 am

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